“Alireza Valizadeh”


IPM Positions

Resident Researcher, School of Cognitive Sciences
(2014 - 2018 )

Related Papers

1. S.M. Alavi, A. Mirzaei, A. Valizadeh and R. Ebrahimpour
Excitatory deep brain stimulation quenches beta oscillations arising in a computational model of the subthalamo-pallidal loop
Scientific Reports (2022),   [abstract]
2. H. Rezaei, A. Aertsen, A. Kumar and A. Valizadeh
Facilitating the propagation of spiking activity in feedforward networks by including feedback
PloS Comp. Bio. (2020), 1-27  [abstract]
3. M. Madadi Asl, A. Valizadeh and P. Tass
Dendritic and Axonal Propagation Delays May Shape Neuronal Networks With Plastic Synapses
Frontiers in Physiology 9 (2018), 1-8  [abstract]
4. M. Madadi Asl, A. Valizadeh and P. Tass
Propagation delays determine neuronal activity and synaptic connectivity patterns emerging in plastic neuronal networks
Chaos 28 (2018), 1-12  [abstract]
5. A. Goodarzinick, M. Niry, A. Valizadeh and M. Perc
Robustness of functional networks at criticality against structural defects
PHYSICAL REVIEW E (2018), 1-7  [abstract]
6. M. Madadi Asl, A. Valizadeh and P. Tass
Delay-Induced Multistability and Loop Formation in Neuronal Networks with Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity
Scientific Reports (2018), 1-15  [abstract]
7. A. Pariz, Z. Ghasemi Esfahani, S. Parsi, A. Valizadeh, S. Canals and C. Mirasso
High frequency neurons determine effective connectivity in neuronal networks
NeuroImage 166 (2018), 349-359  [abstract]
8. M. Madadi Asl, A. Vahavie and A. Valizadeh
Dopaminergic Modulation of Synaptic Plasticity, Its Role in Neuropsychiatric Disorders, and Its Computational Modeling
Basic and Clinical Neuroscience (BCN, Publication of Tehran University of Medical Sciences) (2017), 1-29  [abstract]
9. M. Madadi Asl, A. Valizadeh and P.A. Tass
Interplay between propagation delay and frequency of oscillation determines emergent structures of neuronal networks driven by triplet-based STDP
( In: BMC Neuroscience 18(Suppl 1): P264.)
10. A. Goodarzinick, M. Madadi Asl and A. Valizadeh
Multi-cluster structure and dynamics in networks of coupled phase oscillators through different classes of STDP profiles
( In: BMC Neuroscience 18(Suppl 1): P278. )
11. S. Moosavi, A. Montakhab and A. Valizadeh
Refractory period in network models of excitable nodes: self-sustaining stable dynamics, extended scaling region and oscillatory behavior
Scientific Reports (2017), 1-10  [abstract]
12. E. Bolhasani, Y. Azizi, A. Valizadeh and M. Perc
Synchronization of oscillators through time-shifted common inputs
PHYSICAL REVIEW E 95 (2017), 1-6  [abstract]
13. M. Madadi Asl, A. Valizadeh and P. Tass
Dendritic and Axonal Propagation Delays Determine Emergent Structures of Neuronal Networks with Plastic Synapses
Scientific Reports 7 (2017), 1-12  [abstract]
14. A. Pariz, S. Parsi and A. Valizadeh
High frequency neuron can facilitate propagation of signal in neural networks
( In: BMC Neuroscience 2016, 17(Suppl 1):P42)
15. A. Goodarzinick, M. Niry and A. Valizadeh
Scale-free functional networks of 2D Ising model are highly robust against structural defects: neuroscience implications
( In: BMC Neuroscience 2016, 17(Suppl 1):P41)
16. Z. Ghasemi, L. Gollo and A. Valizadeh
Stimulus-dependent synchronization in delayed-coupled neuronal networks
Scientific Reports 6 (2016), 1-10  [abstract]
17. Z. Ghasemi and A. Valizadeh
Transient synchrony in delayed coupled neuronal networks
( In: BMC Neuroscience 16 (Suppl 1) (2015))
18. E. Bolhasani and A. Valizadeh
Stabilizing synchrony with heterogeneity
( In: BMC Neuroscience 16 (Suppl 1) (2015))
19. E. Bolhasani and A.R. Valizadeh
Stabilizing synchrony by inhomogeneity
Scientific Reports (2015), 1-7  [abstract]
20. M. Zarepour, M.D. Niry and A.R. Valizadeh
Functional scale-free networks in the two-dimensional Abelian sandpile model
PHYSICAL REVIEW E (2015), 1-7  [abstract]
21. M. Bayati, A.R. Valizadeh, A.H. Abbasian and S. Cheng
Self-organization of synchronous activity propagation in neuronal networks driven by local excitation
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 9 (2015), 1-15  [abstract]
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