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Paper   IPM / M / 17865
School of Mathematics
  Title:   Rings additively generated by periodic elements
  Author(s):  Mojtaba Ramezan-Nassab (Joint with M. H. Bien and P. V. Danchev)
  Status:   Published
  Journal: J. Algebra Appl.
  Vol.:  24
  Year:  2025
  Pages:   1-16
  Supported by:  IPM
In the this paper, as a generalization of the classical periodic rings, we explore those rings whose elements are additively generated by two (or more) periodic elements by calling them additively periodic. We prove that, in some major cases, additively periodic rings remain periodic too. This includes, for instance, algebraic algebras, group rings,and matrix rings over commutative rings. Moreover, we also obtain some independent results for the new class of rings. For example, the triangular matrix rings retain that property.

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