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Paper   IPM / Cognitive Sciences / 16870
School of Cognitive Sciences
  Title:   Dependence of Working Memory on Coordinated Activity Across Brain Areas
1.  E. Rezayat
2.  K. Clark
3.  MR. A.Dehaqani
4.  B. Noudoust
  Status:   Published
  Journal: Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
  No.:  13
  Year:  2022
  Supported by:  IPM
Neural signatures of working memory (WM) have been reported in numerous brain areas, suggesting a distributed neural substrate for memory maintenance. In the current manuscript we provide an updated review of the literature focusing on intracranial neurophysiological recordings during WM in primates. Such signatures of WM include changes in firing rate or local oscillatory power within an area, along with measures of coordinated activity between areas based on synchronization between oscillations. In comparing the ability of various neural signatures in any brain area to predict behavioral performance, we observe that synchrony between areas is more frequently and robustly correlated with WM performance than any of the within-area neural signatures. We further review the evidence for alteration of inter-areal synchrony in brain disorders, consistent with an important role for such synchrony during behavior. Additionally, results of causal studies indicate that manipulating synchrony across areas is especially effective at influencing WM task performance. Each of these lines of research supports the critical role of inter-areal synchrony in WM. Finally, we propose a framework for interactions between prefrontal and sensory areas during WM, incorporating a range of experimental findings and offering an explanation for the observed link between intra-areal measures and WM performance.

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