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Paper   IPM / Computer Science / 11104
School of Computer Science
  Title:   Parallel clustering on the star graph
1.  M. Fazeli
2.  H. Sarbazi-Azad
3.  R. Farivar
  Status:   In Proceedings
  Proceeding: ICA3PP
  Vol.:  4719
  Year:  2005
  Pages:   287-292
  Publisher(s):   LNCS, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
  Supported by:  IPM
In this paper, a parallel algorithm for data clustering is presented on a multi-computer with star topology. This algorithm is fast and requires a small amount of memory per processing element, which makes it even suitable for SIMD implementation. The proposed parallel algorithm completes in O(K+S2 -T2) steps for a clustering problem of N data patterns with M features per pattern and K clusters, where N.M = SI, KM = TI, and M=Rl, on a s-star interconnection network.

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