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Paper   IPM / Computer Science / 10772
School of Computer Science
  Title:   An Analytical Model of Pipelined Circuit Switching in Hypercubes in the Presence of Hot Spot Traffic
1.  F. Safaaei
2.  A. Khonsari
3.  M. Fathy
4.  M. Ould-Khaoua
  Status:   In Proceedings
  Proceeding: PEN-PCGCS & ICPP
  Year:  2005
  Pages:   485-492
  Supported by:  IPM
Several recent studies have revealed that PCS can provide superior performance characteristics over wormhole switching under uniform traffic. Analytical model of PCS for common networks (e.g., hypercube) under uniform traffic pattern have recently been reported in the literature. In this paper we propose an analytical model of PCS in the hypercube network augmented with virtual channel in the presence of hot spot traffic. The model has a good agreement with simulation experiments.

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