“Papers of School of Physics”


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  1311. M.R. Setare and M.B. Altaie,
Casimir Energy for Spherical Shell in Schwarzchild Black Hole Background,
Gen. Relat. Gravit. 36(2004), 331-341  [abstract]

   MR gr-qc/02070811312. F. Shojai and A. Shojai,
On the Bohmian Quantum Friction,
PRAMANA J. Phys. 62(2004), 803-814  [abstract]

   1313. A. Shojai and F. Shojai,
Constraints Algebra and Equations of Motion in Bohmian Interpretation of Quantum Gravity,
Classical Quant. Grav. 21(2004), 1-9  [abstract]

   1314. M.A. Vesaghi, A. Shafiekhani and K. Horuchi,,
Composition Lines of Visible Band of in Synthetic Diamond,
Jap. J. Appl. Phys. 42(2003), 2749-2751  [abstract]

   1315. M. Monemzadeh and A. Shirzad,
Finite Order BFFT Method,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 18(2003), 5613-5626  [abstract]

   MR hep-th/03012071316. A. Chenaghlou ,
On the Integrability of Affine Toda Field Theory,
Int. J. Theor. Phys., Group Theory and Nonlinear Optics 10(2003), 195-202  [abstract]

   1317. M. Modarres, H.R. Moshfegh and K. Fallahi,
Lowest Order Constrained Variational Method Applied to Liquid 3He,
Eur. Phys. J. B 36(2003), 485-490  [abstract]

   1318. M. Aslaninejad and I. Hofmann,
Effect of Space Charge on Linear Coupling and Gradient Errors in High-Intensity Rings,
Phys. Rev. STAB 6(2003), 124202  [abstract]

   1319. A. Imaanpur,
Comments on Gluino Condensates in N=1/2 SYM Theory,
JHEP 12(2003), 009  [abstract]

   MR hep-th/03111371320. O. Akhavan and A.T. Rezakhani,
Comment II on Dense Coding in Entangled States,
Phys. Rev. A 68(2003), 016302   [abstract]

   MR quant-ph/0306148back to top  

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