“Papers of School of Cognitive Sciences”


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  461. M. Ebrahimi-ghiri, M. Nasehi, P. Rostami, H. Mohseni-Kouchesfehani and M.R. Zarrindast,
The effect of cholestasis on rewarding and exploratory behaviors induced by opioidergic and dopaminergic agents in mice,
Arch Iran Med 15(2012), 617-624  [abstract]

   462. F. Khakpai,, M. Nasehi, A. Haeri-Rohani, A. Eidi and M.R. Zarrindast,
Scopolamine induced memory impairment; possible involvement of NMDA receptor mechanisms of dorsal hippocampus and/or septum,
Behavioural Brain Research 231(2012), 1-10  [abstract]

   463. M. Piri, M. Nasehi, M. Asgariyan and M.R. Zarrindast,
Influence of nitric oxide agents in the dorsal hippocampus of mice on anxiogenic-like effect induced by histamine,
Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 102(2012), 391-399  [abstract]

   464. M. Piri, M. Nasehi, Z. Shahab and M.R. Zarrindast,
The effects of nicotine on nitric oxide induced anxiogenic-like behaviors in the dorsal hippocampus,
Neuroscience Letters 528(2012), 93-98  [abstract]

   465. B. Yousefi, M. Nasehi, F. Khakpai and M.R. Zarrindast,
Possible interaction of cholinergic and GABAergic systems between MS and CA1 upon memory acquisition in rats,
Behavioural Brain Research 235(2012), 231-243  [abstract]

   466. M.R. Zarrindast, M. Nasehi, M. Pournaghshband and B. Ghorbani Yekta,
Dopaminergic system in CA1 modulates MK-801 induced anxiolytic-like responses,
Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 103(2012), 102-110  [abstract]

   467. M.R. Zarrindast, M. Piri, M. Nasehi and M. Ebrahimi-Ghiri,
Nitric oxide in the nucleus accumbens is involved in retrieval of inhibitory avoidance memory by nicotine,
Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 101(2012), 166-173  [abstract]

   468. M.R. Zarrindast, S. Hoseindoost and M. Nasehi,
Possible interaction between opioidergic and cholinergic systems of CA1 in cholestasis-induced amnesia in mice,
Behavioural Brain Research 228(2012), 116-124  [abstract]

   469. H. Soleimani, C. Lucas, B. Araabi and L. Schwabe,
Adaptive prediction of epileptic seizures from intracranial recordings,
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 7(2012), 456-464  [abstract]

   470. S. Nasr,
Sensitivity of event-related brain potentials to task rules,
Atten Percept Psychophys 74(2012), 1343-1354  [abstract]

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