“Papers of School of Physics”


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  831. A. Malaknejad and M.M. Sheikh-Jabbari,
Non-Abelian Gauge Field Inflation,
Phys. Rev. D 84 (2011), 043515  [abstract]

   MR arXiv: 1102.1932832. R. Sepehrinia and A. Sheikhan,
Numerical Simulation of Anderson Localization,
Comput. Sci. Eng. 30(2011), 74-83  [abstract]

   833. M. Alishahiha, H. Firouzjahi and M.H. Namjoo,
DBI Lifshitz Inflation,
JCAP 08(2011), 028  [abstract]

   MR 1103.2919834. M. Alishahiha and R. Fareghbal,
D-Dimensional Log Gravity,
Phys. Rev. D 83(2011), 084052  [abstract]

   MR arXiv:1101.5891835. A. Ashoorioon and M.M. Sheikh-Jabbari,
Gauged M-flation, Its UV Sensitivity and Spectator Species,
JCAP 1106(2011), 014  [abstract]

   MR arXiv:1101.0048836. A . Akhavan and M. Alishahiha,
P-Wave Holographic Insulator/Superconductor Phase,
Phys. Rev. D 83(2011), 086003  [abstract]

   837. T. Ghodselahi and M.A. Vesaghi,
Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance of Cu@Cu2O Core-Shell Nanoparticles: Absorption, Scattering and Luminescence,
Physica B 406(2011), 2678-2683  [abstract]

   838. T. Ghodselahi, M.A. Vesaghia, A. Gelalia, H. Zahrabia and S. Solaymania ,
Morphology, Optical and Electrical Properties of Cu-Ni Nanoparticles in a-C:H Thin Films Prepared by Co-Deposition of RF-Sputtering and RF-PECVD,
Appl. Surf. Sci. 258(2011), 727-731  [abstract]

   839. H. Firouzjahi and S. Khoeini-Moghaddam,
Fields Annihilation and Particles Creation in DBI Inflation,
JCAP 1102(2011), 012  [abstract]

   MR arXiv:1011.4500840. A.A. Abolhasani, H. Firouzjahi and M.H. Namjoo,
Curvature Perturbations and non-Gaussianities from Waterfall Phase Transition during Inflation,
Classical Quant. Grav. 28(2011), 075009   [abstract]

   MR arXiv:1010.6292back to top  

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