“Papers of School of Astronomy”


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  61. M. Khodadi and R. Pourkhodabakhshi,
Lifetime of scalar cloud formation around a rotating regular black hole,
Phys. Rev. D 106(2022),   [abstract]

   62. T. Harko, K. Asadi, H. Moshafi and H. Sheikhahmadi,
Observational constraints on the interacting dark energy - dark matter (IDM) cosmological models,
Physics of the Dark Universe 38(2022),   [abstract]

   63. M. Khodadi and G. Lambiase,
Probing the Lorentz Symmetry Violation Using the First Image of Sagittarius A*: Constraints on Standard-Model Extension Coefficients,
Phys. Rev. D 106(2022),   [abstract]

   64. N. Ahmadi, M. Noorbala, N. Feyzabadi, F. Eghbalpoor and Z. Ahmadi,
Quantum Diffusion in Sharp Transition to Non-Slow-Roll Phase,
JCAP 2022(2022),   [abstract]

   65. H. Sheikhahmadi,
On the origin of the holographic universe,
Mod. Phys. Lett. A 37(2022),   [abstract]

   66. M. Khodadi,
Shadow of black hole surrounded by magnetized plasma: Axion-plasmon cloud,
Nucl. Phys. B 985(2022),   [abstract]

   67. T. Kashfi and M. Roshan,
Cosmological dynamics of relativistic MOND,
JCAP 2022(2022),   [abstract]

   68. A. Allahyari, R. C. Nunes and D. F. Mota,
No slip gravity in light of LISA standard sirens,
MNRAS 514(2022),   [abstract]

   69. H. Sheikhahmadi,
Schwarzschild black hole perturbed by a force-free magnetic field,
Found. Phys. (2022),   [abstract]

   70. K. Suratgar, M. Mohsenzadeh, E. Yusofi and F. Tagizadeh-Farahmand,
Departure to pure de Sitter geometry based on Planck data,
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 19(2022),   [abstract]

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