“Sedigheh Sajadian”

Tel:  +982123105068
Fax:  +982122806616

IPM Positions

PostDoctoral Associate, School of Astronomy
(2011 - 2014 )

Research Interests

Gravitational microlensing - Extra solar planets - lucky imaging method

Present Research Project at IPM

The advantage of lucky imaging camera in planetary microlensing observations

Related Papers

1. S. Sajadian and S. Rahvar
Photometric, Astrometric and Polarimetric observations of gravitational microlensing events
arXiv (Accepted) [abstract]
Code: IPM/A-2014/32
2. S. Sajadian
Orbital motion effects in astrometric microlensing
MNRAS 439 (2014), 3007-3015  [abstract]
Code: IPM/A-2014/31
3. S. Sajadian and S. Rahvar
luminating hot Jupiters in caustic crossing
MNRAS 407 (2014), 373-380  [abstract]
Code: IPM/A-2014/29
4. S. Sajadian and S. Rahvar
Simulation of a strategy for the pixel lensing of M87 using the Hubble Space Telescope
MNRAS 419 (2012), 124-131  [abstract]
Code: IPM/A-2014/30