“رضا راجی مهر”

پست الکترونیکی: 

سمت در پژوهشگاه

هیئت علمی، پژوهشکده علوم شناختی
(1402 تا اکنون )

سمت‌های پیشین در پژوهشگاه

پسا دکتری، پژوهشکده علوم شناختی
(1401 تا 1402)

پژوهشگر غیر مقیم، پژوهشکده علوم شناختی
(1380 تا 1383)


1. A. Farzmahdi, F. Fallah, R. Rajimehr and R. Ebrahimpour
Task-dependent neural representations of visual object categories
European Journal of Neuroscience 04 (2021),   [abstract]   
2. N. Abbasi, J. Duncan and R. Rajimehr
Genetic influence is linked to cortical morphology in category-selective areas of visual cortex
Nature Communications 11 (2020), 1-9  [abstract]   
3. E. Yargholi, G. Hoddein-zadeh and R. Rajimehr
Predicting BOLD activity in FFA from the activity in other visual areas
Brain connectivity (2019), 329-340  [abstract]   
4. N. Emadi, R. Rajimehr and H. Esteky
High baseline activity in inferior temporal cortex improves neural and behavioral discriminability during visual categorization
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 8 (2014), 1-13  [abstract]   
5. L. Montaser Kouhsari and R. Rajimehr
Subliminal attentional modulation in crowding condition
Vision Research 45 (2005), 839-844  [abstract]   
6. R. Rajimehr
Perceptual Modulation of Orientation-Selective Adaptation
( In: VSS)
7. R. Rajimehr
Static motion aftereffect does not modulate positional representations in early visual areas
COGNITIVE BRAIN RES (2004), 323-327  [abstract]   
8. L. Montaser kouhsari and R. Rajimehr
Attentional Modulation of Adaptation to Illusory Lines
Journal of Vision (2004), 434-444  [abstract]   
9. R. Rajimehr, M. Vaziri pashkam, S.R. Afraz and H. Esteky
Adaptation to apparent motion in crowding condition
Vision Research (2004), 925-931  [abstract]   
10. R. Rajimehr
Unconscious Orientation Processing
Neuron 41 (2004), 663-673  [abstract]   
11. L. Montaser kouhsari and R. Rajimehr
Attention dependent illusory line-tilt aftereffect
( In: Journal of Vision)
12. R. Rajimehr
Invisibility patterns of unresolvable Gabor patches in motion induced blindness
( In: IBRO)
13. R. Rajimehr
Orientation Information of Unresolvable Gabor Patches Primes Ambiguous Motion but not Serial Search
( In: ECVP)
14. R. Rajimehr
Color-Contingent Orientation Adaptation for Unresolvable Gabor Patches
( In: VSS)
15. R. Rajimehr, L. Montaser Kouhsari and S.R. Afraz
Orientation selective adaptation to crowded illusory lines
Perception 32 (2003), 1199-1210  [abstract]   
16. L. Montaser kouhsari and R. Rajimehr
Attention enhances Adaptation to Illusory Lines
( In: Attention and Performance Meeting )
17. L. Montaser kouhsari, R. Rajimehr, S.R. Afraz and H. Esteky
Visual Illusion without Awareness
( In: VSS)
18. B. Bahrami and R. Rajimehr
The role of feature-dependent backward masking in perceptual asynchrony
( In: ECVP)
19. R. Rajimehr, S. Farsiu, L. Montaser Kouhsari, A. Bidari, C. Lucas, S. Yousefian and F. Bahrami
Prediction of lupus nephritis in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus using artificial neural networks
Lupus 11 (2002), 485-492  [abstract]   
20. R. Rajimehr and L. Montaser Kouhsari
Computational Behavior of Neuron Pools in Thalamous and Low level Cortical Areas During Visual attention
( In: GCSS)
21. L. Montaser kouhsari and R. Rajimehr
Computational Modeling of Spatial Cueing in Visual Attention
( In: )
22. R. Rajimehr and L. Montaser Kouhsari
Neurobiological Modeling of Bursting Response During Visual Attention
( In: IWANN)
23. R. Rajimehr and A. Vahabzadeh
Studies on the Short Term and Long term Memory in Regard to Recall of Information Using Mathematical Modelling and Neural Network
( In: International Conference of Psychophysiology)
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